New profile posts

Hello, just got my first Hydros set up….XP4 pro….all hooked up! excited about this journey, all others were nightmares. Fingers crossed. Michael
Hello Everyone, I just purchased my Hydros. It is expected to arrive on Thursday. I’m sure I will have questions.
I look forward to being part of this forum.
An upgrade is coming.

A 180 is replacing the 75 and it will be moved to the fish room.

I am waiting for it to be warm enough to paint.
I needed more ports so I created a collective by adding an X4 to my XS. It was easy. The X4 is planned to have pH and ORP probes and a temp sensor.
I saw your post about getting the older Beta Plug strips. They are not supposed to be shipping them. You should probably contact Carlos about getting replacements.
