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  1. KWolfe81

    CAN Bus documentation?

    One could easily imagine a separate third-party CANBus module that handles the IO if CoralVue really can't handle the extra bandwidth (from firmware development, to Amazon Webservices, to support, etc) *cough* *cough*
  2. KWolfe81

    Ultrasonic flow meter interfacing - help request

    Excellent. Best of luck and sorry I can't help. Maybe use your inside connections at CoralVue to get some info about that Sense Port Digital I/O pin and then we can really have some fun. Or maybe I should poke that pin with an oscilloscope... hrm.
  3. KWolfe81

    Ultrasonic flow meter interfacing - help request

    No, sorry to say I never did. Since I was already communicating with the flow sensor digitally via ModBus, I doubled down on the ESP32 connection, built up a small board that I fit inside the flow sensor enclosure - no extra wires and no noisy signals. Are you trying to wire up this specific...
  4. KWolfe81

    Web-app data filtering

    My values are coming directly from the Control 4x via the CAN bus, so my sample rate is the Hydros's sample rate. But yea, the web app may be doing decimation to limit server or flash drive usage. The dosing pump is a DIY setup and is currently pumping 95 ml/min. I do have speed control and...
  5. KWolfe81

    Web-app data filtering

    Posting this just for general knowledge share. I've been recording raw data measurements directly from my Control 4x & Wave Engine. There is some filtering happening, either on the device itself or potentially on the web backend prior to being displayed in the UI app. Plot of pH measurements...
  6. KWolfe81

    CAN Bus documentation?

    Shared the following in a private conversation, but for ye' who dare venture here from the future: The hardware is pretty straightforward. You do need to have a collective already established so that the CAN bus is active. Your goal is to spy on these messages. Note: I didn't try to inject/send...
  7. KWolfe81

    Kracken tie 2 force ports together to double amperage

    Sorry, misread your post, you aren't trying to run the Varios 8 on battery backup.
  8. KWolfe81

    Kracken tie 2 force ports together to double amperage

    Even if possible, what's your motivation? I don't know the exact power curves for the Varios 8, but if you're in the ballpark of 8 amps @ 24 volts, you're only going to get a few hours run time max on any reasonably sized batteries anyways. A battery-powered bubbler will last much, much longer.
  9. KWolfe81

    Graphs stopped at midnight

    That did it! Thanks.
  10. KWolfe81

    Graphs stopped at midnight

    Anyone else have their graphs stop plotting data directly at midnight today/last night? (the other blip in the data is a power issue now resolved).
  11. KWolfe81

    CAN Bus documentation?

    Success. 90% of the way there. Reading out pump state over the CAN bus, forwarded to MQTT, read by Home Assistant. Now all I need to do is set the alerts. I decided against blanket posting technical details, but if anyone is curious about how, feel free to ping me.
  12. KWolfe81

    Random reboots

    That's funny! Good job finding out the root cause. This wouldn't have been that big of a deal for me except that all my pumps (returns included) are driven by the Wave Engine, causing everything to stop, and make a whole bunch of noise (often in the middle of the night). Now that I have the...
  13. KWolfe81

    Random reboots

    I'm a firmware engineer (professionally) who has worked quite a bit with the ESP32 (the MCU driving all of the hydros products). That's not the correct way to handle wifi connection issues. Uptime on these devices should be measured in years. I realize I'm setting a high bar, but anything...
  14. KWolfe81

    Random reboots

    YIKES! That's... bad. And is 100% a firmware failure.
  15. KWolfe81

    CAN Bus documentation?

    Yup, 100% understood, and comes with the territory.
  16. KWolfe81

    Random reboots

    Disagree. The WE was resetting as indicated by the Device Properties. Last Reboot date. Wifi issues should not cause a reboot.
  17. KWolfe81

    CAN Bus documentation?

    Addendum: I want to be clear about my motivations as this is, understandably a touchy subject. I am attempting to solve the issue of real-time notifications of pump failures - a functionality that was promised with the Wave Engine, but is currently, for whatever reason, not sufficiently...
  18. KWolfe81

    CAN Bus documentation?

    Question: would a technical discussion of the CAN bus protocol be permitted on this forum? (to be blunt, I'm talking about information found through reverse engineering).
  19. KWolfe81

    No Wave Engine (v1) Wifi Fallback?

    I recently built a collective using a Wave Engine V1 and Control x4. If my Control 4x goes offline (e.g. powered off), my Wave Engine keeps running (great, expected), but does not connect to the cloud. I suppose this is explained as the V1 cannot operate as a WiFi Collective Master, but I am...
  20. KWolfe81

    Random reboots

    Ok, so I added a Control 4x and built a collective four days ago and have not had a single Wave Engine reboot since! If anyone is actively tracking firmware bugs, maybe file this one under WE v1 WiFi issues? *fingers crossed that the issue stays fixed*